
Inland Transport

4) Inland transport

We are providing inland transport service by extending business area a little more for customer satisfaction.

We have a goal to deliver your freight to destination safely, rapidly and inexpensively by picking up freight for free in Tianjin area, making relationship with customer convenience facility of other area and synthesizing all processes of import & export.

Economy of distribution is your companys competitiveness.



We deliver our customers' goods faster, more accurately, and cheaper.

  • We provide reasonable cost and stable transportation route with excellent network system throughout the region.
  • We grasp accurate freight location with responsible service, which is connected to China Branch.
  • We are a Qinin Ferry LCL CONSOL company that operates between Qinhuangdao and Incheon.
  • We attract the freight of Tianjin and Beijing area to the transportation via Qinhuangdao and reduced custom hours in Korea and China.
  • We have performed specialized service in North China like Tianjin and Beijing for 20 years.
  • We provide safe and convenient services due to the conclusion of business with shipping companies, customs companies, and warehouses.
  • We create the maximum satisfaction of shipper by suggesting optimum transportation path using passenger and cargo boat.
  • We make a safe bonded transportation with our bonded vehicles.
TEL032)889-2324~7 FAX032)889-2328~9 EMAILeunji2036@sungjin-tr.com
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